Welcome to WisconsinForestry.org, a virtual information bridge to the sustainable management of the 16-million acres of forests and the urban forest canopy throughout Wisconsin.
This site, sponsored by the Wisconsin Council on Forestry, serves as a gateway to information about Wisconsin forests and the work of the Wisconsin Council on Forestry. Appointed by the Governor, the Wisconsin Council on Forestry is a diverse group of leaders in the forestry community who direct Wisconsin’s efforts to achieve sustainable forestry. The Council was created by State Statute 26.02 in July 2002 to advise the governor, legislature, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Commerce, and other state agencies on a host of forestry issues in the state, including:
- The practice of sustainable forestry, as defined in s. 28.04 (1) (e)
- Protection of forests from fire, insects, and disease
- Reforestation and forest genetics
- Management and protection of urban forests
- Public knowledge and awareness of forestry issues
- Forestry research
- Economic development and employment in the forestry industry
- Marketing and use of forest products
- Legislation affecting management of Wisconsin's forest lands
- Staffing and funding needs for forestry programs conducted by the state
Current Council priorities include:
- Timber supply
- Managed Forest Law program
- Forest certification
- Deer impacts on Wisconsin forests
- Forestry education
Current projects include:
- Forestry economic summit
- Wisconsin Forest Practices Study
- Legislative tour
Visit the Council Membership page for a current list of members and the Council Meeting page for minutes from past Council meetings and a list of upcoming meeting dates.
If you have questions about the Wisconsin Council on Forestry, contact:
Rebecca Diebel
Policy Analyst
Madison, WI
If you have questions about this site, contact:
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Forestry Division Web Coordinator
Madison, WI