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Governor�s Conference on Forestry

Building Collaborative Action for Wisconsin�s Forests

Madison, WisconsinNovember 9-10, 2004Monona Terrace Convention Center

Conference Home | Conference Program | Background
Media | Conference Speeches | Conference Photos | Conference Participants
Working Session Themes and Outcomes | Statewide Forest Plan Process | What's Happening Now?


Building Partnerships

The Conference Theme Champions and their leadership teams are committed to building partnerships across a diverse set of groups to take action on forestry issues affecting the sustainability of Wisconsin's forests. Conference working sessions provided the framework for participants to develop or broaden partnerships and mobilize the skills, capacity, and resources to achieve sustainable forestry in Wisconsin. Theme Champions designed working sessions to address the most critical issues related to their theme. Therefore, each working session may has a different set of goals and outcomes.

Theme Sessions

Conserving Wisconsin's Biological Diversity

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Enhancing Wisconsin's Urban Forests

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Minimizing the Threat of Invasive Exotic Species to Wisconsin's Forests

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Enhancing Assistance to Wisconsin's Private Forest Landowners

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Minimizing Recreational Use Conflicts in Wisconsin's Forests

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Maintaining Wisconsin's Forest Based Economy

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Managing the Impacts of Changes in Wisconsin's Land Use & Forest Ownership

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