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Governor�s Conference on Forestry

Building Collaborative Action for Wisconsin�s Forests

Madison, WisconsinNovember 9-10, 2004Monona Terrace Convention Center

Conference Home | Conference Program | Background
Media | Conference Speeches | Conference Photos | Conference Participants
Working Session Themes and Outcomes | Statewide Forest Plan Process | What's Happening Now?

Conference Photographs

Opening Plenary

  1. Fred Souba, Chair, Wisconsin Council on Forestry
  2. Secretary Scott Hassett, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
  3. Governor Jim Doyle


  4. Mary Jean Huston, WI Director, The Nature Conservancy
  5. Dave Marcouiller, Professor, University of WI, Madison
  6. Lisa MacKinnon, Policy Director, 1000 Friends of Wisconsin
  7. Brent English, Director of Commercialization & Grants, Center for Technology Transfer
  8. Fred Clark, President and Owner, Fred Clark Foresty
  9. John DuPlissis, Professor, University of WI, Stevens Point
  10. Joe Wilson, Executive Director, Greening Milwaukee


  1. From Left to right: Joe Wilson, John DuPlissis, Mary Jean Huston, Dave Marcouiller, Lisa MacKinnon, Fred Clark, Masood Ahktar (representing Brent Engligh from CTT)

Governor Recognition of Champions

  1. Governor Jim Doyle and Brent English
  2. Governor Jim Doyle and Dave Marcouiller
  3. Governor Jim Doyle and Fred Clark
  4. Governor Jim Doyle and John DuPlissis
  5. Governor Jim Doyle and Joe Wilson
  6. Governor Jim Doyle and Lisa MacKinnon
  7. Governor Jim Doyle and Mary Jean Huston

Recognition of Lead Facilitators

  1. UW Basin Educators were critical to the success of the Conference. They are pictured with Fred Souba from left to right as follows: Fred Souba, Peggy Compton, Matt Duvall, Suzanne Wade, Darren Lochner, and Debbie Yarmark. Not Pictured: John Exo & John Haack.


  1. Conference Partcipants interacting with Exhibits #1
  2. Conference Partcipants interacting with Exhibits #2
  3. Conference Partcipants interacting with Exhibits #3
  4. Conference Partcipants interacting with Exhibits #4

Break Out Sessions

  1. Land Use Break Out Session #1
  2. Land Use Break Out Session #2
  3. Land Use Break Out Session #3
  4. Urban Forestry Break Out Session #1
  5. Urban Forestry Break Out Session #2
  6. Urban Forestry Break Out Session #3
  7. Recreation Break Out Session

National Tree Farmer of the Year Award

  1. Governor Jim Doyle recognized Jim and Marlene Zdanovec as the recipients of the 2004 National Tree Farmers of the Year.
  2. Jim and Marlene Zdanovec on their farm

Sustainable Forestry Initiative Outstanding Cooperaor Award

  1. Steve Kariainen recognized Dave Lentz and the Karner Blue Butterfly program as the recipient of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Outstanding Cooperator Award.

Major Sponsors of the Conference

  1. Major Sponsors recognized for their support of the Conference, Mike Prouty, USDA Forest Service and Kevin McSweeney UW Madison College of Natural Resources, School of Natural Resources