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Get Involved! | Governor's Conference on Forestry | What's New | Statewide Forest Plan Process

What's New

April 4th, 2005: Meeting Planned with Steering Team and Champions

The Steering Team will get together with the Champions to agree on a framework for moving action forward as well as identifying where action can be taken collaboratively across issues.

February 4th , 2005: Steering Team Meeting

January 10th , 2005: Steering Team Convenes for First Meeting

Dec 16th: Wisconsin Council on Forestry

This meeting gave the Champions and Leadership Teams the opportunity to present the outcomes of the Conference to the Council, as well as make recommendations for next steps for taking action. Fred Souba announced the creation of a Steering Committee to guide the Implementation of the Statewide Forest Plan. The committee will be chaired by Paul DeLong, Chief State Forester. The Division of Forestry is responsible for guiding the process for developing the Plan and therefore will continue to play a leadership role in supporting its implementation. They are excited to be a partner with the many other stakeholders that will be needed to successfully take action on the plan�s ambitious goals. The Committee will be comprised of the following people as a starting point with the understanding that this team may grow in time.

Mike Strigel, Executive Director, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters
Ken Genskow, Director, Wisconsin Basin Education Initiative
Fred Souba, Chair, WI Council on Forestry
Paul DeLong, WI Chief State Forester

There was good discussion and enthusiasm from the Council on the outcomes presented. The Council continues to be a partner and is committed to support the ongoing work on the issues addressed at the Conference.

Governor's Conference on Forestry kicks off the Implementation of Wisconsin's Statewide Forest Plan

On November 9-10, 2004, Wisconsin's forestry leaders gathered for the Governor�s Conference on Forestry in Madison WI. Numbering greater than 250, they represented forest-based industries, universities, environmental groups, landowners, conservation groups, professional associations and local, state and federal agencies. By their active participation in this working conference, they demonstrated their commitment to the conference�s main goal of building collaborative partnerships to take action on forestry issues identified in the Plan. Find out more...