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The Tree Guy
"The Tree Guy"

Tim Womick (aka "The Tree Guy") has delighted and educated audiences for over a decade, challenging them to think about the forest resource where they live. "The Tree Guy" is often referred to as the modern-day Johnny Appleseed planting seeds of thought in the minds of those he meets.

Governor's Conference on Forestry
Implementing Wisconsin's Statewide Forest Plan

On November 9-10, 2004, Wisconsin's forestry leaders set a precedent for sustainable forestry in the state by gathering for the Governor�s Conference on Forestry in Madison WI. Numbering greater than 250, they demonstrated their commitment to the conference�s main goal of building collaborative partnerships to implement Wisconsin's Statewide Forest Plan. See the outcomes of the Conference Here.

Kids Activities
Help Decorate the Holiday Tree!

You are invited to make an ornament for the annual state holiday tree displayed in the State Capitol rotunda throughout the month of December. This year the holiday tree is coming from the Brule River State Forest in the Northwest corner of Wisconsin.

Learning in the Forest
Educators, Librarians & Youth Leaders Resources

Wisconsin forestry community has had a long-term commitment to education. Learn more about this and find resources for your use with young people here.

Kids Activities
Activities for Kids

Discover some fun ways you can join the "Year of Wisconsin Forestry celebration.