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Wisconsin Forestry Hall of Fame

John W Macon

John W. Macon

A professional forester whose career in public industrial forestry spanned a forty year period from 1935 to 1974. He served in the U.S. Forest Service from 1935 to 1945 in both Minnesota and Wisconsin and in 1945, he joined Consolidated Papers, Inc. as a research forester. His pioneering work with hybrid aspen, timber inventorying and development of white spruce super trees brought him state and regional recognition. He authored numerous scientific papers, research notes, and articles and was active in forestry legislative and policy issues. He became manager of woodlands in 1968 and served in the capacity until his retirement in 1974.

John Macon's commitment and strong ethic to land management continues to influence all forester. A lifetime member of the Society of American Foresters, he is honored by the Wisconsin SAF John Macon Award given to foresters who demonstrate the qualities exemplified by John Macon's career as a forester.

Inducted into the Wisconsin Forestry Hall of Fame
October 2, 1996