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Wisconsin Forestry Hall of Fame

George W Blanchard

George W. Blanchard

George Blanchard served in the state legislature representing Rock County from 1924-31 when major forestry legislation of the century became law. Senator Blanchard played a key role in the following legislation: the Forestry Mill Tax; the Forest Crop Law; Forest Fire Protection; authorizing of two Wisconsin national forests; forestry zoning; the County Forest Law; creation of the Conservation Commission; and authorizing of cooperative forestry research.

Senator Blanchard, representing a southern county, envisioned the forestry opportunities awaiting Wisconsin and steered the above legislation through an often hostile legislature. His leadership in passage of the legislation determined the density of forestry in Wisconsin and enhanced the social and economic well-being of the state.

George Blanchard's legislative service and leadership in crafting the framework for the state forestry programs and his significant contributions to Wisconsin forestry are duly recognized.

Inducted into the Wisconsin Forestry Hall of Fame October 18, 1998