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Wisconsin Forestry Hall of Fame

Aldo Leopold

Aldo Leopold

Aldo Leopold is a nationally recognized forestry whose writings, ideas, and leadership influenced foresters, wildlife managers and others involved in conservation and the environment.

Instrumental in writing the Conservation Act of 1927, in the passage of the Forest Crop Law and as a member of the Conservation Commission, Leopold engaged in debate and educational activities benefiting Wisconsin Forestry. His presence in the state from 1924- 1948 defined the very way in which forestry professionals and citizens alike see, understand, manage and appreciate the forests of Wisconsin.

Writing on forestry issues, focussing on the interrelationship between forestry and wildlife management, Leopold helped enact forestry legislation and adoption of statewide conservation policies that helped shape the attitudes of political leaders.

Wisconsin forestry has been positively affected by the actions and writing of Leopold. His continuing influence upon the management of the landscape of Wisconsin is profound.

Inducted into the Wisconsin Forestry Hall of Fame
October 19, 1999